Here you’ll find answer to the most common questions our customers have. If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please contact us directly.

How does Chromozoom differ from other DNA tests?

We provide the most in-depth DNA analysis on the market, testing for a wide range of genetic variants. Our tests are highly personalised and provide real-life recommendations for every customer. What’s more, our team of scientists and physicians constantly update your results in line with the latest scientific research, standards and methods.

What are the advantages of testing family members?

Many health problems are genetically inherited. Knowing the risks of hereditary conditions can help you and your family make the right lifestyle changes and take action well before the onset of first symptoms.

How do I take a DNA test?

The process couldn’t be simpler. First, we send you a kit containing an oral swab and simple instructions. Once you have collected your DNA sample, all you need to do is pop it in the pre-paid box, send it to us, and we’ll do the rest. In 6-8 weeks’ time, the results of your test, along with your personalised recommendations, will be uploaded to your Chromozoom account – accessible anytime, anywhere via the Chromozoom website or mobile app.

Why is the second and every subsequent test cheaper?

As a thank you to our clients we offer discounted prices for the second and every other subsequent test.

How accurate is the test?

The next-generation sequencing method that we use is 99.99% reliable. This technology is provided by ROCHE and Illumina, leaders in the field of molecular genetics and in vitro diagnostics. Our laboratories are ISO 15189 and ISO9001 certified, ensuring the highest levels of quality and competence.

What services does Chromozoom provide?

Our tests provide unapparelled insights into the human genome, helping people to understand their genetic potential. We offer expert analysis of genetic information, then provide personalised lifestyle advice and preventative recommendations designed to help you lead a better, healthier life.

DNA Collection Kit

Our handy DNA collection kit comes complete with a detailed guide and all the equipment you need to collect and send your sample.

How do I collect my DNA sample?
DNA collection kit

DNA Collection Kit

Our handy DNA collection kit comes complete with a detailed guide and all the equipment you need to collect and send your sample.

How do I collect my DNA sample?